
A space for documenting and reflecting on Randounering events I participate in.

Not the best writer, but working on it.


My alarm goes off, and I think to myself, I'm doing this. Although it is not the longest ride I have ever done, it is definitely the least prepared. I have some coffee and some light breakfast, and there are a few moments of silence before getting dressed for the day. Bram, Landon, and I meet on the wiggle to ride up Market to BART. "Fuck!" my tire goes flat on the market st. I milk it to the Montgomery station. In the station, we run into Myles, a fellow Rando homie. We all catch our train to the South Bay.

We made it to the Warm Springs part station; honestly, I was surprised about the turnout; kept meeting some PMA people. It was pretty dope, it got me very psyched for the day. Peaked Mt Hamilton, pretty burly climb out the gate. But the crew was on the same frequency, riding hard but not too hard. We refilled bottles and ate a sandwich. Kept on trucking.

We made it over the backside of Hamilton, and we all agreed that it might have been the roughest descent we have ever done. The temp got significantly hotter. It pushed us all. We stopped at a bar in the valley for cold drinks before exploding. We made it out of the valley in one piece. A stiff headwind sometimes made it slightly unpleasant, but we had a nice paceline, each doing our share. We lost one in our group due to some cramping. I had yet to find discomfort with the day. A stop for slurpees and chips at a gas station outside of Pleasanton before riding the iron horse path to Danville to the backside of the skyline. I was cracked; it felt good. I rode my own pace and reflected on the day. As I started the final descent, I saw Landon with a flat. He told Nate and me to keep moving, and he would see us at the finish. We start descending, and we make it just around the corner and Nate's flats. I wait while he throws a quick patch on his tire. We make it down the skyline and to Safeway. Bram is staying with some tall boys. A truly psychedelic experience, Highs and lows, this writing really doesn't do it justice. Fantastic day; I can't wait for the Old Caz 300k ;)